Become an Expert
We have designed advanced courses for those who already have experience in using photographs in therapy and wish to deepen their understanding of the tool by exploring more complex topics and themes.
Become an expert: Collage in Therapy
6-hour training to learn a practical tool that you can apply in you practice
Online workshop held by Francesca Belgiojoso
Become an expert: Guardare oltre i confini. La fotografia nei contesti di adozione
Una formazione sull’utilizzo della fotografia come strumento di comunicazione in contesti di adozione
Become an expert: La fotografia nell’esplorazione dei disturbi alimentari
La fotografia nella relazione clinica con pazienti affetti da disturbi del comportamento alimentare
Become an expert: fotografia e cambiamento
Un corso in quattro moduli dedicato all’uso della fotografia nella relazione psico-educativa con gli adolescenti.
Become an expert: Therapeutic Photo Walk
This workshop, held by Mark Wheeler, delves into the transformative power of the Therapeutic Photo Walk.
Become an expert: PhotoTherapy Techniques – advanced level
Advanced course to explore the potential of phototherapy techniques
Become an expert: self-portrait and selfie
Exploring the Self through the Lens: the use of Self-Portrait and Selfie in Psychotherapy
Become an expert: familiar images
Explore the world of family images and deepen your understanding of emotional bonds

20122 Milano